Post Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Diploma courses

Post Graduate Diploma in Grants Management

The job of Grants Management involves a difficult balancing act; ensuring that project staffs have the latitude to accomplish something meaningful and at the same time every obligation of the funding source is met. Depending on the operating style of your organization, the complexity of the project and the nature of the funding source, effective grants Management depend on certain core principles. These principles are valuable in helping to build trust with your donors and making the management process in your organization more orderly. The purpose of this course is to build the confidence and skills of those responsible for managing institutional donor grants and to meet donors’ financial terms & conditions when implementing programs.

PGD in Gender and development

Gender and development is an interdisciplinary field of research and applied study that implements a feminist approach to understanding and addressing the disparate impact that economic development and globalization have on people based upon their location, gender, class background, and other socio-political identities. In terms of economic development, quality of life is defined as access to necessary rights and resources including but not limited to quality education, medical facilities, affordable housing, clean environments, and low crime rate. Gender and development considers many of these same factors, however, gender and development emphasizes efforts towards understanding how multifaceted these issues are in the entangled context of culture, government, and globalization

PGD in Forced Migration

Today, tens of millions of people live as refugees. Their vulnerable lives represent a real challenge for governments and organizations around the world. Understanding the causes and consequences of human displacement by gaining the academic and practical skills to deal with its challenges is crucial for addressing the causes of displacement and effectively managing responses to provide real support for people living as refugees.

l'eau, à l'assainissement et à l'hygiène (EAH )

On estime que plus de 1,2 milliard de personnes ne disposent pas globalement accès à l'eau potable sûre et un montant supplémentaire de 2,6 milliards de personnes ne disposent pas d'accès à un assainissement adéquat et confortable. OMS (2005), estime que 1,6 million meurent chaque année de diarrhée et de choléra qui ont été attribués à l'inaccessibilité à l'eau potable ainsi que des services d'assainissement de base. 90% du chiffre des enfants âgés de moins de cinq ans et la tendance est endémique dans les pays en développement. L'insuffisance des connaissances et de sensibilisation sur les effets des mauvaises conditions d'hygiène contribue à des taux élevés de mortalité et de morbidité dues aux maladies féco-orale en particulier chez les enfants. Cela a été attribué à la formation inadéquate et même les approches adoptées par les professionnels du secteur. Le faible niveau de sensibilisation sur l'hygiène est une préoccupation majeure mis en évidence dans diverses évaluations qui ont été menées entre 2004 et 2007, y compris la sortie d'examen Purpose (OPR) de DFID.Part des recommandations a été RPO la nécessité d'harmoniser toutes les hygiène existantes et du matériel d'apprentissage de la promotion de l'assainissement pour élaborer un manuel de qualité qui faciliterait le changement amélioration de l'hygiène et le comportement de l'assainissement et assurer réalisation des objectifs du programme d'une manière durable.

Genre et développement dans les actions humanitaires

Il est de plus en plus d'attention aux questions de genre au niveau mondial. Cela a créé la nécessité de renforcer les connaissances et les compétences dans l'autonomisation des femmes dans le développement, y compris dans des situations d'urgence humanitaire. Les actions humanitaires ne peuvent pas réussir sans apprécier l'importance des questions d'équité entre les sexes et l'égalité. Ce cours permettra aux participants des outils pour le streaming principal de genre dans les actions humanitaires et la planification du développement. Il faut en outre discuter de stratégies pour la réduction des inégalités entre les sexes dans le développement et les situations humanitaires, les organisations et les communautés. A la fin du cours, les participants seront mieux équipés avec les compétences analytiques nécessaires pour les aider à comprendre les questions de genre leur permettant de participer efficacement au genre et développement / planification humanitaire concernant la PI, la recherche, l'élaboration des politiques et la mise en œuvre du programme.


The right to adequate food is recognized in international legal instruments including declarations, which are nonbinding and conventions, which are treaties that carry the force of the law. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1979 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 state that states and non-state actors have responsibilities in fulfilling the right to food. While it is first and foremost the duty of individuals to find their own solutions to feeding themselves, it is the state’s obligation to respect the freedom of individuals in realizing and protect their rights. Refugees and displaced people have the same human right to food as do non-refugees. Deliberate starvation or destruction of livelihoods such as the production of crops and livestock as a war strategy is a violation of international law. Marginalized populations are vulnerable to food insecurity because of poverty.

Post Graduate Diploma in Gender-Based Violence

Post-Graduate in Gender-Based Violence Violence against women in conflict situations has reached epidemic levels and is a continuation of what happens in the lives of women during peacetime. Women and girls of all ages are raped and abducted to serve as sexual slaves; pregnant women are physically assaulted; and many women have been murdered or infected with HIV/AIDS. Violence against women during conflict situations becomes multiplied and intensified many times over, as women’s bodies become “battle grounds” where opposing forces fight to gain control. Since women do not have the same rights as men, they remain victims of gender-based violence and discrimination. Gender based violence has been recognized as a global public health and human rights problem that leads to high rates of morbidity and mortality, including gynecological problems, sexually transmitted infections, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance dependence, suicide, and mortality.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Water Resources Management

Water resources are generated by the natural system, which includes atmospheric, surface and sub-surface processes. The natural system is impacted on by the social system, which is mainly characterized by human intervention on the environment. The interaction between these two systems determines the quantity and quality of water resources both spatially and temporally. Water sustains all life forms thereby making it a basic requirement for livelihood needs.

PGD in Humanitarian Development Studies

The Humanitarian and Development Studies program is about disasters that will continue to occur around the world, and there is a continuous need for skilled humanitarian workers. Change makers like you are required to deliver specialist humanitarian aid relief to people dealing with disasters. That’s the focus of our new Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies. Offered from 2018, this course encompasses both the aid and health sectors with a focus on rehabilitation and development. Through a mix of practical and theoretical learning you’ll gain an understanding of the complexity of development and see how humanitarian assistance works hand-in-hand with international development aid efforts.