Diploma courses
Creating a safe work environment requires careful planning and organizational commitment. Policies must be implemented; Assessments are needed to determine the level of risk and the appropriate security strategy. Fundamental safety and security preparations and procedures must be put in place to help prevent incidents or minimize the effect of those that do occur and guidelines for personal safety and security are needed to provide a framework for individual action and response and to increase confidence and awareness. Safety and health principles are universal, but how much action is needed will depend on the size of the organization, the hazards presented by its activities, the physical characteristics of the organization, products or services, and the adequacy of its existing arrangements. This diploma course will equip you with necessary skills to understand and be able to fully observe security and safety management.
Disasters and conflicts have a direct impact on health situation. Nursing and general health service deliveries within humanitarian context are a complex processes that requires special skills and psychological preparations. Nursing expertise is recognized to be essential skill but is not sufficient for one to participate in humanitarian work. Understanding the affected community, cultures and good preparation contributes to humanitarian work effectiveness. This course aims to prepare health professionals especially nurses for humanitarian work. Learners will develop skills to be able to manage issues and problems that arise in complex humanitarian environments with reference to health service delivery.Learners will gain great understanding of humanitarian principles, values and ethical issues in practicing humanitarian nursing. They will also learn about humanitarian program cycle and how effective health management benefits this programming.
Gender-based violence (GBV) has been recognized as a cross-cutting issue affecting the lives of victims from a diversity of dimensions including culture, education, health, economy, psychology, livelihoods and political participation. In fact, violence against women and girls was chosen as one of the critical areas of action following the Beijing Conference. This presents a key opportunity for different players, including government agencies, NGOs, United Nations agencies and other institutions, to build an understanding on issues of violence and undertake activities to combat violence. This online course is imperative to build this understanding and initiate and strengthen programmes combating gender-based violence. The course also features a number of exercises and reflective activities designed to examine the concepts of gender, gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It will further explore the impact of gender-based violence on education, health and development. This advanced course is aimed at building the capacity and commitment of participants to undertake programs targeted at eradicating gender-based violence and to develop a new movement for gender equality.
Humanitarian diplomacy aims to mobilize public and governmental support and resources for humanitarian operations and programs and to facilitate effective partnerships for responding to the needs of vulnerable people. Humanitarian diplomacy includes advocacy, negotiation, communication, formal agreements, and other measures. It is a field with many players, including governments, international organizations, NGOs, the private sector, and individuals.
The right to adequate food is recognized in international legal instruments including declarations, which are nonbinding and conventions, which are treaties that carry the force of the law. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1979 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 state that states and non-state actors have responsibilities in fulfilling the right to food. While it is first and foremost the duty of individuals to find their own solutions to feeding themselves, it is the state’s obligation to respect the freedom of individuals in realizing and protect their rights. Refugees and displaced people have the same human right to food as do non-refugees. Deliberate starvation or destruction of livelihoods such as the production of crops and livestock as a war strategy is a violation of international law. Marginalized populations are vulnerable to food insecurity because of poverty.
Ce diplôme en ligne en logistique humanitaire se concentre sur la livraison de fournitures en cas d'urgence aux personnes touchées. Il se concentre principalement sur l’acquisition de biens et de matériaux du point d’origine au point de consommation. Ce cours vous dotera de compétences en gestion humanitaire spécifiquement dans la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Vous serez en mesure de comprendre les besoins du grand public dans des contextes humanitaires et de contribuer à son développement, ainsi que de planifier, acquérir et gérer une logistique où et quand ils sont nécessaires
Le travail des subventions de gestion implique un équilibre difficile; veiller à ce que le personnel du projet ont la latitude d'accomplir quelque chose de significatif et en même temps toutes les obligations de la source de financement est atteint. Selon le style de fonctionnement de votre organisation, la complexité du projet et la nature de la source de financement, les subventions efficaces de gestion dépendent de certains principes fondamentaux à principles.These sont précieuses pour aider à bâtir la confiance avec vos donateurs et rendre le processus de gestion dans votre organisation plus ordonnée. Le but de ce cours est de renforcer la confiance et les compétences des personnes chargées de la gestion des subventions des bailleurs de fonds institutionnels et de respecter les conditions et les conditions financières des bailleurs de fonds lors de la mise en œuvre des programmes. la gestion efficace des subventions par projet peut implémenteurs attirer davantage de fonds pour l'organisation.
The course provides an opportunity for interested candidates to specialize in refugee and forced migration studies and to be awarded a Post-graduate diploma as a contribution to the improvement of skills and performance of practitioners who manage refugee affairs; as well as to provide any for those who intend to pursue further studies in this field and in the general area of international relations and peace studies.
. Le cours est offert par l'apprentissage à distance. Le cours commence le 1er de chaque mois. Présentation du cours: Selon les dernières estimations du Programme commun de surveillance OMS / UNICEF pour l'eau Eau et d'assainissement (JMP), publié au début de 2013 (collectés en 2011), 36 pour cent des population mondiale - 2,5 milliards de personnes - manque amélioration des installations sanitaires et 768 millions les gens utilisent encore des sources d'eau non potable. Un accès insuffisant à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement services, couplés aux pratiques d'hygiène, tue et rend malade des milliers d'enfants tous les jours, et conduit à l'appauvrissement et diminution des opportunités pour des milliers d'autres. **