Post Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Diploma courses

PGD in Reproductive Health

Sexuality encompasses diverse behaviors and meanings that are shaped by individual, social, cultural, and historical factors. From the local to the global, a significant number of public health challenges involve sexual and reproductive health: HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies, access to family planning services, sex education, maternal mortality, sexual violence, and discrimination against/stigmatization of sexually non-conforming individuals. Promoting sexual and reproductive rights and agency, as well as respect for the dignity, equality, and rights of all persons, are also public health issues. The Diploma in Sexuality, Sexual, and Reproductive Health approaches sexual and reproductive health as states of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. The curriculum explores and challenges the social inequalities that have had profound effects on sexuality and health. Students can specialize as researchers or practitioners, and emerge prepared to work in agencies and organizations involved in programmatic or advocacy work, policy or evaluation research, or in direct service delivery.

PGD in Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing

Course Overview Come and learn from the experience of fundraising experts and donor agents. This is your organization’s ticket to financial sustainability. Objectives At the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of the resource mobilization framework; participants will have a clear understanding of the resource mobilization as well as a resource mobilization strategy that work for development partner and those that work for the private sector. In addition, participants will gain skill in developing winning resource mobilization strategies and how to negotiate for funding.

PGD in Rural Sociology & Community Development

Fundamental change often happens at the local level. Communities thrive when local decision-makers and activists can creatively implement solutions for the social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges the community faces. Under this program the principles and strategies of community development are critically examined with a view to operationalize them. . The objectives of the program are to develop a sound understanding of the background and context of contemporary community development with special emphasis on developing countries. The program looks at the changing role of the state in development and how communities can use their skills to develop themselves including their capacity to assess and critically evaluate community interventions. An understanding of community development strategies is critical to understanding of national development and policy making.

Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development

There are 6 SDGs in particular that have been identified in designing the Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development program. This programme is designed with a multiplexing of stimulating programs to offer higher quality teaching and learning to university and high school students across the continent, bridging the existing gaps in knowledge sharing, and fostering cultural understanding of green-sustainable development values, policies, and methods within schools and communities. The program within the University will help and drive the institution to build a campus-wide sustainable development approach and move swiftly and effectively to the implementation stage among communities, schools, and business community.


The right to adequate food is recognized in international legal instruments including declarations, which are nonbinding and conventions, which are treaties that carry the force of the law. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1979 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 state that states and non-state actors have responsibilities in fulfilling the right to food. While it is first and foremost the duty of individuals to find their own solutions to feeding themselves, it is the state’s obligation to respect the freedom of individuals in realizing and protect their rights. Refugees and displaced people have the same human right to food as do non-refugees. Deliberate starvation or destruction of livelihoods such as the production of crops and livestock as a war strategy is a violation of international law. Marginalized populations are vulnerable to food insecurity because of poverty.

Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management

Course Brief The aim of disaster management training is to build the capacity of National Societies’ staff and volunteers, and that of International Federation delegates, to improve preparedness and response at all levels before during and after disasters and to give all components of the Movement the means to work together in a coordinated manner. The focus of disaster management training is generally on improving the technical skills of the participants, but also on personnel and team management. It aims to encourage an exchange of experience and knowledge and the creation of networks amongst the disaster managers. It also aims to improve coordination of disaster response and the quality and availability of disaster management tools.

Post Graduate Diploma in HIV AND AIDS Management

The Post Graduate course in HIV/AIDS management is intended for people involved in community-based programs for the management of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. These may be social workers, workers in trade unions, community-based organizations (CBO), self-help groups (SHG), and faith-based organizations (FBO). The student should have adequate formal education to communicate in English and be actively participating in community programs. This Certificate training shall create a critical mass of resourceful people equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively deal with both the infected and affected members of communities who are threatened by the scourge.

PGD in Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexuality encompasses diverse behaviors and meanings that are shaped by individual, social, cultural, and historical factors. From the local to the global, a significant number of public health challenges involve sexual and reproductive health: HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies, access to family planning services, sex education, maternal mortality, sexual violence, and discrimination against/stigmatization of sexually non-conforming individuals. Promoting sexual and reproductive rights and agency, as well as respect for the dignity, equality, and rights of all persons, are also public health issues. The Diploma in Sexuality, Sexual, and Reproductive Health approaches sexual and reproductive health as states of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. The curriculum explores and challenges the social inequalities that have had profound effects on sexuality and health. Students can specialize as researchers or practitioners, and emerge prepared to work in agencies and organizations involved in programmatic or advocacy work, policy or evaluation research, or in direct service delivery.

Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness Management

Agribusiness is a sub-field of business, management, and organization studies that deals with making a profit from agriculture and corporate farming. Agribusiness includes the production, processing, and inventory of agricultural goods. It involves the management of agronomic equipment and technologies, raw materials, suppliers, workforce, and other resources involved in agriculture. Similar disciplines include animal management, forestry and nature management, management of the living environment, agricultural economics, and rural enterprise.