Post Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Diploma courses

Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation is part and parcel of humanitarian and development work . M/E processes begin with project design through planning , project implementation and impact assessment. M/E systems help track plans and provide verifiable indicators for activities planned and implemented. It is a very important activity in decision making processes that affects the success or failure of a project.

Post Graduate Diploma in Water Sanitation and Hygiene

This course introduces learners to the core principles of designing, planning, implementing and evaluating projects to improve access to water supply and sanitation facilities and improve hygiene behaviours among communities especially in the developing countries.

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management

Project Planning and Management is a multi-disciplinary programme that exposes students to various disciplines that are appropriate to the development of planning giving special emphasis to the planning and management of development projects and programmes. The programme is designed to train participants in project planning and management at urban, rural and regional levels; produce professionals with a firm theoretical and practical background in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes at different spatial levels and equip students with research skills on project planning and management.

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition

The course aims at developing basic understanding about nutrition, its effect on human health and newer advances in food technology. This course encompasses physiological, biochemical and social aspects of food and discusses relationship between metabolites and human health.

Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership & Management

Leadership and management are two notions used to describe two related concepts. Managers do things right, leaders do the right thing. But this distinction is too facile and too simple. Leadership has two implied meanings. It can be defined in terms of position, as in being in a leadership position. A more fruitful way to think about leadership concerns the distinction between occupying a leadership position and being effective in that position. Leadership ought to be evaluated in terms of the performance of the group over time. It relates directly to the ability to build and maintain a group that performs well compared to its competition. In this section, these differences are discussed, explaining why both terms are thought to be similar. Leadership is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess. The principal aim of a manager is to maximize the output of the organization through administrative implementation.

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

Much have been debated and written in the literature regarding the field of Human Resource Management (HRM); its contents, practices and applications, and; its extents and limitations. Similarly, in recent past, there have been many controversies concerning the responsibilities and duties of Human Resource Management departments in organizations.


Public health is about preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the efforts of society. Whether you are already a working professional in this area, or new to the subject, this Post-Graduate Public Health programme is the ideal for those wishing to address today's problems in public health. The programme provides students with an understanding of how different scientific disciplines can be used to investigate and then develop the best professional practice in epidemiology, public health and the social science of health. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, and political belief, economic or social condition. For centuries, public Health throughout the world has been recognized as having a concern for the health of humans. It has also been recognized that the treatment of illness in individual is different than public health’s focus on preventing disease and protecting the health of a population.

PGD in Financial Management For NGO'S

Many postgraduate courses offer financial and management training for students who already have some accounting or finance experience. They are suited to students wishing to pursue careers as management accountants, management consultants, or those contemplating careers in areas such as investment banking and financial analysis. This program is primarily aimed at developing financial and managerial skills, to equip students to meet the demand for specialists and leaders in the financial sector. The program examines financial concepts such as capital, cash budgets, analysis of financial statements, taxation, commercial law and provides a comprehensive overview of financial management. In this way, while primarily gaining specialized financial skills, students consider and evaluate different factors in making informed decisions for continued financial growth in an organization.

Post Graduate Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

More than ever before, the success of any business today is more dependent on the performance of its supply chain.Efficient supply chain management has an effect on the overall internal performance of any organization. Current economic crisis and competitiveness of global organization increases its importance even further. Organizations adopt numerous business improvement methodologies to improve the business performance. Manufacturers and researchers have noted a number of problems regarding supply chain activities in their research and practice. After taking scholarly recommendations into consideration, we came up with a comprehensive course on Purchasing and Supplies at a Post Graduate level.